Treat Yo Self to the Spa

I have been anticipating this day for the last month. I had a few gift certificates laying around from a site visit we did of Whiteface Lodge a year ago and they were expiring today. So with my $75.00 worth in certificates, plus a Therapeutic Thursday deal of 50% off, I booked myself an 80 minute massage. I love going to the Lodge because they have the nicest sanctuary with a sauna and steam room, plus you have access to their fitness room and pool. I didn't venture to the pool this time since I went solo, but it is indoor/outdoor with three separate jacuzzi's. I went this past Winter when I was gifting my friends spa treatments (I obviously would tag along) and the steam coming off the heated pool looked so eerie. With it being so cold I was too chicken to jump out and try their two outdoor jacuzzi's, but maybe next time (I plan to go back this Summer when my matron of honor is up in the area) 

This massage was suppose to be a treat for being so diligent with going to the gym and since I was feeling guilty for missing this morning, I got in a 2 mile run on the treadmill when I got there. All of their equipment have individual TV screens, so I turned on Real Housewives of wherever and they got be through the run. I showered and then waited in the sanctuary to get called. Since my body was still a bit hot from the exercise and shower, it took about 20 minutes for me to cool down so I was a bit gross when Shannon, my masseuse, was mixing the lotion with my slick skin. But, I finally cooled and I was in heaven...except when she would massage my left side which was full of knots and causing me to be on alert and having to focus on my breathing to adjust to the tension. I was informed mid massage I should consider taking baths with Epsom Salt or at least soak my feet to release the toxins and the tightness in my calves. She suggested this after I admitted I do not stretch. I know, I know, I need to stretch. Don't worry I will harp on my future kids to stretch, but I sort of avoid it like a sickness. I am like, "O look I have to be anywhere but here" when it is time to stretch. So, I am going to dedicate the weekends to 45 minute of stretching instead of hitting the gym. I need it.I can always add in abs to make it feel like workout, but I know I need to be able to touch my toes. No I don't. I have absolutely no reason to be touching my toes. What in life asks for toe touching?  But, I guess if I ever want to be able to do Pilates or Yoga in my old age as it is meant to be done, I should probably be a little flexible. 

Left the spa refreshed and then saw this beautiful view when driving by work.

And then this delicious treat awaited me when I got home, a la Andrew. Wheat crust, tomato sauce and red pepper hummus for the spread, topped with onions, broccoli, garlic, black beans, tofu basil mix and avocado. 

As Tom Haverford of Park & Rec would say, "Treat Yo Self"! But also treat your friends. Gift Certificates to the Salon/Spa are my go to gifts for Baby Showers as I know the baby is covered, so I like to treat the Mama. Whether it is getting her toes done for labor or just getting some me time, she will appreciate the gesture.